I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was getting into when I bought the gigantic bag of kiwis at the bulk-store last week. I mean, I like a ...


I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was getting into when I bought the gigantic bag of kiwis at the bulk-store last week. I mean, I like a good kiwi, but I’d really never eaten/consumed them in any way that wasn’t just a straight-up spoon-to-the-fruit or my Coconut-Kiwi Smoothie. But then, I had this rad idea….what if I made Mint Kiwi-Ade (AKA Mint Kiwi Lemonade for the Uninitiated)? And the results? MAG-nificent.

how to make kiwi lemonade feature

Ok, so this Mint Kiwi Lemonade is super-easy, but that’s not the best part. When I made it for my kids, Saturday afternoon when I normally make a big pitcher of lemonade, they were, at first, confused. It’s such a different flavor–and kind of a different look, too. But, they were brave and the LOOKS ON THEIR FACES! I really wish I’d gotten a shot. It was like my son expected a rotten apple in his mouth and got a fresh grape instead…he was so very surprised. And my daughter–well, her expressions were just silly, but she is 2. Whatever. LOL!

Now, one thing I would have done differently is I would have upped the amount of mint. I know some people don’t like a whole lotta mint in their drinks, but I could have done with more. However, I was serving this to kids, so I didn’t know exactly how much I should add…long story short, I ended-up debating a lot with myself before choosing to err on the side of caution. But, if I were making this for adults, I would have upped the mint. Significantly. Like half again or more. Heh.

mint kiwi lemonade fb


how to make kiwi lemonade feature

Mint Kiwi-Ade (AKA Mint Kiwi Lemonade for the Uninitiated)

Prep Time  10 mins
Total Time 10 mins

I had this rad idea....what if I made Mint Kiwi-Ade (AKA Mint Kiwi Lemonade for the Uninitiated)? And the results? MAG-nificent.

Course  : Drink
Cuisine : American
Servings: 12
Author  : NerdyMamma.com

2 large lemons
1/2 cup sugar
3 cups kiwis about 6
1 gallon water
3 sprigs fresh mint
1 kiwi for garnish

1.Pop the lemons in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
2.Once you remove the lemons from the microwave, roll them on the counter under your elbow.
3.Both of these initial steps are to create as much lemon juice as possible.
4.Slice lemons in half and squeeze into a strainer (you don't want any seeds) before pouring into a gallon-sized pitcher.
5.Peel kiwis and place in the food processor or blender (I have a blender but no food processor, so there's that) for about 1 minute until completely mashed, smashed and otherwise obliterated.
6.Put kiwi pulp into lemon juice.
7.Add water and sugar.
8.Stir until sugar is completely dissolved.
9.Mash mint sprigs and stir into the lemonade, to taste.
10.Slice remaining kiwi in thin slices and drop into the drink.
11.Serve to those parched, thirsty guests of yours! LOL

source: http://nerdymamma.com/mint-kiwi-ade-aka-mint-kiwi-lemonade-for-the-uninitiated/

